You need to bring your own yoga mat. However, if you don’t own a mat, you are welcome to borrow one of ours for your initial first class.
If you have never been to a yoga class before there are a few important things to know:
- You don't need to be flexible to practice yoga.
- The most important quality you need is a willingness to commit to a regular class.
- Like anything new, yoga requires practice - you may not 'get it' straight-away but be patient, it does get easier.
- During the class it is always OK to rest or come out of a posture if you need to.
- Try not to compare yourself with others in the class; we all have our strengths and challenges.
- Quite often it's the teacher, not the style, that will appeal to you, so you may wish to try a few different teachers when you first start.
- Don’t practice on a full stomach – best not to eat anything for at least 2 hours before the class.
- Wear comfortable clothing that you can move and relax in.
- Please avoid wearing perfume or strong smelling deodorant to class.
- You might regret not making it to your yoga class but we’re sure you’ll never regret going to one!